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Youth Advocacy Training Program

Applications close on Monday, February 10.

Applications are Now OPEN for Youth Advocates in California, Florida, and Washington, D.C.!

Join the Team ENOUGH Youth Advocacy Training Program, the only national, youth-led initiative training young people to meet with lawmakers and advocate for urgently needed gun reform. The Team ENOUGH Youth Advocacy Training Program, formerly known as the Team ENOUGH Lobbying Collective, educates and mobilizes young people, ages 13-26, to be advocates for gun violence prevention legislation in their own communities.

Apply Now: California!

Applications close on Monday, February 10.
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Apply Now: Washington, D.C.!

Applications close on Monday, February 10.
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Apply Now: Florida!

Applications close on Monday, February 10.
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Led by National Coordinators Elizabeth Paul and Felix Hedberg, each program session takes place in a key state, or Washington, D.C., where gun violence prevention legislation is being considered and corresponds with a state’s legislative session. Program members will attend a series of webinars and trainings where they meet with policy experts to hear more about the bills being considered in their community and become equipped with the skills they need to have impactful conversations with lawmakers. After attending training, program members will be accompanied by experienced advocates as they meet directly with lawmakers to advance priorities in the movement to end gun violence. With gun violence being the leading cause of death for young people in America, it’s imperative that our leaders hear directly from us on this issue. 

Meet Our Virginia Youth Advocates

  • Anna Scott Headshot

    Anna Scott - Co-Leader

    Anna is the co-leader of the Virginia Youth Advocacy Training Program. Anna is passionate about advocating for gun violence prevention and ensuring gun violence is an issue the next generation never faces. As a student at the University of Virginia, Anna is deeply committed to ending gun violence through education and legislative advocacy.

  • IMG 20230824 WA0009 urmi

    Urmi Chatterjee

    Urmi wants to fight for a world where children in the U.S. can grow up feeling safe and secure. She also wants to work for gun violence prevention as a way to stop hate and protect communities of color. Before joining Team ENOUGH's Youth Advocacy Training Program, Urmi worked in India as a student activist, representing students from economically marginalized backgrounds.

  • HEADSHOT evelyn bolling

    Evelyn Bolling

    Evelyn has seen the way gun violence has impacted her community. It has stained the places that used to be a gathering for her hometown friends. She wants to fight to ban assault weapons and be part of the generation that ends gun violence. 

  • IMG 6140 Jones Parris

    Jones Parris

    Jones knows that gun violence is one of the leading killers in the U.S. He believes we need to expand Brady Background checks, end stand your ground laws, and ban assault weapons. Prior to joining the Youth Advocacy Training Program, Jonas has worked for local democratic candidates and in reproductive rights.

  • IMG 0446 Lenhle Vilakati

    Lenhle Vilakati

    Lenhle is involved with gun violence prevention because of her little brother. She is worried for him every time he steps out of the house as a Black man in America, and is worried that one day, she might get a call that there has been a shooting at his school. Lenhle wants children like her brother to grow up without these fears and to be safe from gun violence.

  • IMG 1861 Kaylin Janardhanan

    Kaylin Janardhanan

    Gun violence prevention is important to Kaylin because she has seen how it has affected so many people her age. She wants to stop gun violence so we can all learn in safe schools.

  • Professional Headshot Mc Kenna Kate Gaudio

    McKenna-Kate Gaudio

    McKenna-Kate, like far too many, knows about the devastation of gun violence firsthand. In 2024, her brother Cash Gaudio had been shot multiple times and killed. McKenna-Kate describe the pain as unimaginable and wants to fight to make sure nobody else has to feel the way she does every day. She fights for her family and for her brother. 

  • IMG 6516 Carissa Christensen

    Carissa Christensen

    Carissa wants to be a part of the generation that ends the gun violence epidemic in America. She believes that through lobbying we can curb this violence and protect our communities. Before Team ENOUGH, Carissa worked at a few different community help organizations like Mutual Aid and Distribution, Richmond, Virginia, and Ecumenical Community Helping Others.

  • IMG 0461 1 Asha Jha

    Asha Jha

    Gun violence prevention is important to Asha because it is an issue that is very prevalent within school systems. As a student herself, she wants to create a world in which students feel safe in their school environment.

  • IMG 5146 Cassidy Wilson

    Cassidy Wilson

    After the Oxford High School shooting in Michigan and the legal precedence set by the outcome of the case, Cassidy became passionate about protecting the youth of America, especially because the leading cause of death for children today is guns. 

  • Kushaan Soodan 1 Kushaan Soodan

    Kushaan Soodan

    As a University of Virginia student with a background in democratic party work and youth lobbying for Brady, Kushaan has developed a deep commitment to addressing gun violence as one of the most pressing public safety and public health crises of our time. Through education, activism, and policy advocacy, Kushaan fights for a future where communities are safer, stronger, and free from the threat of gun violence.

  • IMG 8230 2 Amanda Southfield

    Amanda Southfield

    As a student at the University of Virginia, gun violence is especially personal to Amanda. In the fall of her first year, three of her fellow students were killed and two others were injured. She wants to fight so that no parent should have to fear for their child’s safety as they get their education, and no student should ever have to sit in lockdown terrified for their life. 

  • IMG 1538 rafsan matin

    Rafsan Matin

    Gun violence prevention is important to Rafsan because of the impact gun violence can have on people’s lives. He wants to be part of the generation to end gun violence and fight to make sure that communities across the country are safe.

  • Jaya

    Jaya Nachnani

    Jaya was in seventh grade when the Parkland shooting happened, and she watched on television as kids a few years older than her grieved their classmates. This moment motivated her to join the gun violence prevention movement. The very first protest she attended was March for Our Lives. As a college student, she is now working on her Public Policy senior capstone on Gun Policy & the Second Amendment. 

  • Agyare Lydia Professional Photo Lydia Agyare

    Lydia Agyare

    Lydia has seen how gun violence has become so normalized, and she wants to be a part of the generation that ends that cycle. She wants to change the culture around guns in America to protect her community. Gun violence prevention is about creating a safer world for everyone, where she believes we can all thrive without the threat of losing our lives to senseless violence.

  • Aad87117 63ce 48f7 a0f4 1ad1ff86d3aa Sophie Curtis

    Sophie Curtis

    To Sophie, one of the most pressing concerns is gun violence. She has seen how it has devastated communities and wants to work to end the epidemic. She believes in expanding background checks and preventing gun violence in all aspects, changing the culture, the industry, and the laws. 

Meet Our Michigan Youth Advocates!

  • IMG 0211

    Erin Abell - Co-Leader

    Erin is a co-leader of the Michigan Youth Advocacy Training Program. Erin is motivated to end gun violence through legislation, lobbying, and community action. Gun violence prevention is important to her because of the tragedies she has seen touch her home state of Michigan. She wants to end the fear that Americans, especially young people, feel every day. 

  • IMG 5478 Taegan Humphries

    Taegan Humphries

    Gun violence prevention is profoundly personal to Taegan. Her father was killed by gun violence, and years later, her high school sweetheart was also murdered with a gun. These tragedies not only shaped her life but deepened her understanding of how gun violence devastates families and communities, particularly in urban areas. By working to prevent gun violence, she aims to honor the lives of her loved ones while creating safer, more equitable communities for future generations.

  • Profile Pic CV Pelak 1

    Claire Pelak

    Claire wants to work in gun violence prevention to change the laws, change the industry, and change the culture of firearms. Gun violence prevention is important to her because she knows people who have been impacted by gun violence and believes we need to fight to put an end to the gun violence epidemic.

  • IMG 3471 Sanjana Kulkarni

    Sanjana Kulkarni

    Since she was ten years old, Sanjana has been terrified of someone coming into her school with a gun. This needs to stop. She wants to be part of the generation that ends gun violence so that no other kids have to live with this fear.

  • IMG 1778 Aiden Gable

    Aiden Gable

    The Oxford High School shooting affected Aiden and the people he knew because they were so close by. He believes that no one else should have to fear gun violence at school, and he wants to work to make that future our reality.

  • DSC07221 Maya Manuel

    Maya Manuel

    Maya wants to be part of the solution to bring together education, healthcare, community, institutions, and systems to end gun violence. She believes that real change will come when we realize we must take on the shared responsibility to change our future together, building coalitions with those who are like-minded, and bridging the gap with those who may not understand the mission.

  • IMG 2249 Kylie Ossege

    Kylie Ossege

    To Kylie, gun violence prevention is personal as she was injured in the Oxford High School shooting. She believes that the problem all comes down to guns, and how easily accessible they are. She wants to advocate for things such as safe storage laws, magazine limits, background checks, and an assault-weapons ban. 

  • Screenshot 2025 01 22 at 11 29 37 AM

    Skylar Lemons

    Skylar's best friend Madisyn passed away in the shooting that took place at Oxford High School, and three of my best friends have gone through shootings at Oxford High School and  MSU. Skylar wants to help make sure no one else's loved ones have to go through something like that. 

  • E68 D4 FDD 71 B9 4395 B790 894713 DECD62 Macy Wheelock

    Macy Wheelock

    Gun violence prevention advocacy is important to Macy as a student of Michigan State University, as her campus was directly affected by gun violence. Gun violence prevention is also important to Macy because the high school she attended had a serious gun violence threat which led to stress within her immediate community. 

  • IMG 4370 Emma Kaiser

    Emma Kaiser

    Emma is passionate about gun violence prevention advocacy because she has been personally impacted by gun violence herself and firmly believes in working to protect our future generations so they never have to experience what she went through. 

  • HS 107 Melaina Magnusson

    Melaina Magnusson

    Growing up hearing about firearms being used in schools just like hers has been a terrifying reality for Melaina's whole life. Kids should not live in terror for their own lives and for the lives of their friends. This fear that looms in every school in our country is the biggest reason that preventing gun violence is important to Melaina.

  • AB404 D75 296 F 4209 BA84 43 CA7577 C220 Cameron Cooper

    Cameron Cooper

    Gun violence spreads rapidly in Cameron's community. As a 19 year old he lost many family and friends due to senseless gun violence. The aftermath of death and injury due to gun violence leaves a mental strain on the family members affected. Growing up, Cameron often felt a sense of hopelessness as wanted to make a difference. To Cameron, it's important to prevent and educate the public to help avert future incidents from occurring, saving many lives.   

  • IMG 4835 Jenna De Voogd

    Jenna DeVoogd

    Jenna wants to work in gun violence prevention because she wants to create a world in which people aren't afraid to go to schools or live their lives. Being from Texas, the shooting at Uvalde continued to prove to her that we need societal and legislative change. 

  • IMG 7964 Haley Bubp

    Haley Bubp

    Haley has had nightmares about school shootings since she was 13. She doesn't like the idea of children or college students attending school and there constantly being a possibility that they could experience so much loss just by attending class. 

  • Ava Govan

    Ava wanted to get involved with gun violence prevention after the shooting at Michigan State University in her freshman year of college. She wants the chance to speak to legislators to advocate for gun violence prevention.

  • DSC0388 Meghan Bareis

    Meghan Bareis

    Gun violence prevention is incredibly important to Meghan because the US is the outlier country when it comes to gun violence. With averaging over one mass shopping a day, an unfathomable amount of school shootings, and more guns than people, this crisis needs to be addressed. Meghan believes that her generation can and will make positive change — especially in our legislative system.  

Stay in touch with updates and action alerts from Team ENOUGH!

Applications for the Youth Advocacy Training Program are now closed, but you can sign up to learn when they re-open.