Brady Chapters
Brady has grassroots chapters nationwide. Join or create a chapter to end gun violence in your community.
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By clicking OK below, you will be directed to a website operated by the Brady Campaign to Prevent Gun Violence, an independent 501(c)(4) entity.
There are many ways to get involved in the movement to prevent gun violence. At Brady, we believe that everyone has a role to play — whether you're looking to join a rally, use your professional expertise, mobilize in your own community, or fund our life-saving efforts. Together, we can build the safer future we all want and deserve.
Brady has grassroots chapters nationwide. Join or create a chapter to end gun violence in your community.
Team ENOUGH, Brady's youth-led initiative, educates young people about gun violence and mobilizes them to take action against it.
Regional Leadership Councils help fuel Brady's life-saving programs and campaigns. Use your personal expertise to contribute to our mission.
Brady's This Is Our Lane campaign elevates the voices of healthcare professionals on the frontlines of America’s gun violence epidemic.
Brady's Legal Alliance takes on the gun industry in court and represents victims and survivors of gun violence, pro bono, free of charge.
We engage writers, directors, and producers to #ShowGunSafety on screen to change the culture and behaviors of firearms in America.
Take a look at our upcoming events. Our Brady organizing team also hosts regular volunteer information sessions for those looking to get involved!
Elected officials should uphold the will of the people that voted them into their position of power. Demand your voice is heard at the local, state, and federal levels by signing a Brady petition.
Brady is freeing America from gun violence. Your generous donations fuel our work to prevent gun violence and save lives.
These donations support the Brady Campaign, Brady’s 501(c)(4) organization, and are not tax-deductible as a charitable contribution or business expense.