- Take Action
- Join The Movement
- Show Gun Safety
- Open Letter from Hollywood Film & TV Leaders
On the heels of the mass shooting at Uvalde Elementary School, about 300 writers, directors, and producers — including Emmy and Academy Award winners — signed our viral open letter committing to modeling firearm safety on screen. This effort was covered by more than 100 media outlets, including Variety, Hollywood Reporter, and Good Morning America. Signatures are still open.
Industry leaders who signed our Open Letter have followed up with meaningful action. They have joined us at the White House, invited our experts to review scripts, used their voices for change, and more."
Read and sign our open letter
Are you in the TV/film industry? Join us by adding your name!
We’re asking writers, directors, showrunners, executive, actors, producers, and others to use their skills and power to model gun safety best practices. With your help, we can foster responsible behaviors to help America free from gun violence. Email us at [email protected] to get more involved.
An Open Letter to Our Colleagues in the Creative Community —
Like most of America, we are enraged by the recent mass shootings in Buffalo and Uvalde. Considering there have been over 250 other mass shootings so far this year, it's an almost incomprehensible tragedy. Something needs to be done.
Guns are prominently featured in TV and movies in every corner of the globe, but only America has a gun violence epidemic. The responsibility lies with lax gun laws supported by those politicians more afraid of losing power than saving lives. We didn't cause the problem, but we want to help fix it.
As America's storytellers, our goal is primarily to entertain, but we also acknowledge that stories have the power to effect change. Cultural attitudes toward smoking, drunk driving, seatbelts and marriage equality have all evolved due in large part to movies' and TV's influence. It's time to take on gun safety.
We are not asking anyone to stop showing guns on screen. We are asking writers, directors and producers to be mindful of on-screen gun violence and model gun safety best practices. Let's use our collective power for good. Whenever possible, we will:
- Use our creativity to model responsible gun ownership and show consequences for reckless gun use. We will make a conscious effort to show characters locking their guns safely and making them inaccessible to children.
- Have at least one conversation during pre-production regarding the way guns will be portrayed on screen and consider alternatives that could be employed without sacrificing narrative integrity.
- Limit scenes including children and guns, bearing in mind that guns are now the leading cause of death for children and adolescents.
We are under no illusions that these actions are a substitute for common sense gun legislation. Furthermore, this list does not incorporate every nuance of guns on screen. However, these are small things that we can do as a community to try and end this national nightmare.
If you are a writer, director, producer, showrunner, actor, executive, or other member of the TV and film industry, join us by signing here.
J.J. Abrams | Lisa Addario | Ali Adler | Sarah Algazi | Debbie Allen |
Omari Allen | Kent Alterman | Lucia Aniello | Judd Apatow | Josh Appelbaum |
Susan Arnold | John Auerbach | JP Auerbach | Alexander Baack | Amy Baer |
Craig Bankey | Carol Barbee | Alfredo Barrios | Simon Barry | Zach Baylin |
David Beaubaire | Betsy Beers | Michael Begler | Doug Belgrad | Chris Bender |
Lisa Benedict | Mike Berenstain | Fred Berger | Max Berger | Alex Berger |
Chris Bishop | Steve Blackman | Bob Bookman | Kristin Borella | Jessika Borsiczky |
Matt Bosak | Julien P. Bourgon | Marty Bowen | Adam Brody | Kristin Burr |
Christy Callahan | Bill Callahan | Elizabeth Cantillon | Glenn Gordon Caron | Stokely Chaffin |
Ann Cherkis | Matt Chesse | Becky Clements | Kat Coiro | Aaron Cooley |
John Cork | Rob Corn | Peter Craig | Mike Cuff | Emily Cummins |
RJ Cutler | Bill D’Elia | Elizabeth Daley | Ted Danson | Joe Dante |
Gary Dauberman | Laura Dave | Marjorie David | Ainsley Davies | Skye Dent |
Naomi Despres | Zanne Devine | David Diliberto | Lucy Barzun Donnelly | Travis Donnelly |
Erin Donovan | Paul Downs | Elysa Koplovitz Dutton | Carleton Eastlake | Grace Edwards |
Ben Ellenberg | Doug Ellin | Zack Estrin | Lee Farber | TS Faull |
Morgan Faust | Erik Feig | Jon Feldman | Batya Feldman | Jonathan Fernandez |
Jennifer Flackett | Jordan Flaherty | Beau Flynn | Dana Fox | Liz Friedman |
Edward Frumkin | Lou Fusaro | Forrest Gabitsch | Eric Michael Garcia | Dede Gardner |
Todd Garner | R. Scott Gemmill | Jonathan Glickman | Will Gluck | Wyck Godfrey |
Gary Goldman | Lindy Goldstein | Al Gough | Jonathan Green | Rich Green |
Bruce Greenwood | Javier Grillo-Marxuach | Larry Gross | David Guggenheim | Alejandra Gularte |
Erin Gunn | Kristin Hahn | Samm Haillay | Marc Halsey | Lisa Harrison |
Simon Hatt | Grant Heslov | Lysa Heslov | Mark Heyman | Lauren Schmidt Hissrich |
Michael Hissrich | Christine Holder | Jordan Horowitz | Livia Huang | Peter Isacksen |
Lauren Lungerich | Devery Jacobs | Tom Jacobson | Craig Johnson | Jennifer Johnson |
Alexa Junge | Bess Kalb | Jordan Kandell | Aaron Kandell | Ken Kao |
Gail Katz | Richie Keen | Mike Kelley | Kathleen Kennedy | Christopher Keyser |
James Kicklighter | Maggie Kiley | Frederick Kindel | Michelle King | Robert King |
David Kissinger | Laura Kittrell | Jessi Klein | Jon Koa | Betsy Koch |
David Kohan | Jenni Konner | Christos V. Konstantakopoulos | Stacy Kramer | Tim Kring |
Natalie Krinsky | Andreas Zoupanos Kritikos | John Krokidas | Kent Kubena | Roger Kumble |
Helena Lamb | Adam Lash | Amanda Lasher | Stan Lathan | Victor LaValle |
Bill Lawrence | Jennifer Levin | Mark Levin | Chris Levinson | Steven Levitan |
Dan Lin | Damon Lindelof | Jimmy Kimmel and the writers of Jimmy Kimmel Live! | Kyle Long | Silka Luisa |
Michael Markowitz | Melanie Marnich | Glen Mazzara | Michael McIntyre | Adam McKay |
Katie Mcquerrey | Michael Joseph McQuilken | Jeff Melvoin | Adam Merims | Jason Mewes |
Miles Millar | Andrew Miller | Hannah Minghella | Janet Mock | Jordan Monsanto |
Julianne Moore | Chris Morgan | Leslie Morgenstein | Tony Mosher | Sue Naegle |
Phyllis Nagy | Michael Narducci | Olivia Newman | Eric Newman | Kim Nguyen |
Samantha Nissenboim | Matt Nix | Sohrab Noshirvani | Pete Nowalk | Marti Noxon |
David Nutter | Ify Nwadiwe | Susan Orlean | Katrina Cabrera Ortega | Peter Paige |
Nicki Paluga | Jamie Patricof | Julie Plec | John Pogue | Claire Rudnick Polstein |
Edoardo Ponti | Bill Prady | Dawn Prestwich | Keri Putnam | Daniel Pyne |
Jessica Queller | Connor Raikes | Luvh Rakhe | Eric Ramsey | Robia Rashid |
Billy Ray | J.R. Reher | Andrew Reich | Fergal Reilly | Jeannine Renshaw |
Shonda Rhimes | Cynthia Riddle | Glenn Rigberg | Britton Rizzio | Scott Rosenbaum |
Elizabeth Rosenbaum | Karen Rosenfelt | Gary Ross | Michael A. Ross | Mike Royce |
Margot Rubin | Mark Ruffalo | Joey Sagal | Midge Sanford | Peter Saraf |
Claire Scanlon | Robin Schiff | Amy Schumer | Nell Scovell | Travis Sentell |
Byron Shah | Frankie Shaw | Scott Shepherd | David Shore | Dan Shotz |
Osnat Shurer | Josh Singer | Randi Mayem Singer | Jer Sklar | Tristine Skyler |
Jason Smilovic | Claudia Solti | Elena Song | Nedjelko Spaich | Jeremy Steckler |
Mary Steenburgen | Jon Steinberg | Fisher Stevens | Dana Stevens | Michelle Stockwell |
Lee Stollman | Carolyn Strauss | Veena Sud | Niels Swinkels | Matt Tauber |
Melinda Hsu Taylor | Michael Taylor | Rhys Thomas | Liz Tigelaar | Danny Tolli |
Mahyad Tousi | Sean Tretta | Tory Tunnell | Chris Van Dusen | Ellen Goldsmith Vein |
Krista Vernoff | Patric M. Verrone | Jeff Vespa | Joe Wallenstein | Valerie Weiss |
Llewelyn Wells | Marlon West | Ben Wexler | Jim Whitaker | Carey Williams |
Maiya Williams | Irwin Winkler | Danielle Wolff | Wendy Wolverton | Chloe Yellin |
Nicole Yorkin | David Zabel | George Zaloom | Lisa Zambri | David W. Zucker |