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Brady Invites you to Take Action to End Gun Violence

October 17, 2024 Above The Rim, Chase Center

With co-chairs Steve Kerr, Coach, Golden State Warriors & Tony Xu, CEO, DoorDash

Brady invites you to take action to make gun safety a U.S. public health priority.

Brady is excited to welcome sponsors back to Chase Center on Thursday, October 17, for an exclusive event with gun violence survivor, NBA champion, and Coach of the Golden State Warriors Steve Kerr. Sponsorships and donations go directly toward supporting Brady's unique, evidence-based public health approach to free America from gun violence. 

More about sponsorship opportunities



Updated Kerr Table


Sponsors Kerr Event

Thank you to our individual sponsors

Tony Xu & Patti BaoJohanna Carney & Erran BergerAneel Bhusri
Amb. Jeff Bleich & Becky BleichDouglas & Amy Boxer
Anne Ching & Jim Cashel
The Edward Lang & Sara Chenault FamilyRon Conway Family
Stephen & Ayesha Curry
Marita & Kevin DalyEric Swergold & Dawn DobrasLaurie & Scott Dubin
Michael Dunn & Santiago EsparzaEvan GoldbergGreg & Carrie Gretsch
The Foster & Hamilton FamiliesStephanie & Fred HarmanJon Eager & Karen Heller
Wendy HolcombeHavian-Jarvis FamilyMartha & Bruce Karsh
Steve & Margot KerrSigne & George KurianKen Ludlum
Dr. John MaaHamid MoghadamDennis & Patti Mulqueeney
Marty Yee & Ann MylodThe Nooney FamilyCarl & Yurie Pascarella
Ardith & Mike PlimackMax & Maria Luisa RhodesNancy & Richard Robbins
Steve & Karen RolandMaya & Ned SegalSmith & Zirker-Smith Family
Ruth Borenstein & Karen StraussSteffan & Kelli TomlinsonKath & Chris Tsakalakis
Robin & Carly VasanJoyce WangAudra & Jim Weiss
Wilcox Family FoundationGeoff & Amy YangAlan Greene

Thank you to Friends of Brady who helped make this event a success: Dr. Adnan Alseidi, Nisha Chaudry, David & Lillian Chun, Juliana Coleman, Courtney Damkroger & Roger Hansen, Michael Dunn & Santiago Esparza, Tony Esposti, Vanessa Gerber, Dan German, Reginald Lee, Gregg & Lisa Napoli, and Caren & Nick Orum.

Watch the 2023 event with Coach Kerr, Stephen Curry, and W. Kamau Bell

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