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  3. Majority Of Trump Voters Support Gun Safety Policies

Majority Of Trump Voters Support Gun Safety Policies

The Morning Consult poll commissioned by Brady revealed broad support for gun safety policies even among Trump voters.

The poll reveals a significant gap between Trump's gun policy agenda and voter preferences. Trump's gun policy agenda ranks among the bottom three positions that Trump voters want to see implemented in his presidency, alongside climate change and reproductive rights policies.

Support for Gun Safety-Focused Policies

Trump voters as well as gun owners overwhelmingly support common-sense gun safety provisions, including policies requiring gun owners to report lost or stolen firearms (83%), strengthening background checks (73%), and temporarily limiting firearms to individuals in crisis (69%).

Total Support 
(Strongly + Somewhat Support)
2024 Voters2024 Trump VotersGun Owners
Strengthening background checks 79%73%75%
Temporarily limiting access to firearms for individuals in crisis 74%69%72%
Holding the gun industry to similar regulatory standards as the 
tobacco, automobile, and opioid industries 
Enacting safe storage requirements for firearms in a home with
Requiring gun owners to report lost or stolen firearms to 
law enforcement 
Supporting programs to prevent veteran suicide and help 
service members in crisis 


More than two-thirds of each group believe it’s important that government officials at the federal, state, and local levels take steps to increase gun safety over the next four years. 

Think Government Action on Gun Safety is Important
(Very + Somewhat Important)
2024 Voters2024 Trump VotersGun Owners
Federal Level79%70%73%
State Level81%75%77%
Local Level80%74%77%


More than two-thirds of each group agree with messages related to gun violence and gun safety issues. 

Agree with each of the following messages related 
to gun violence and gun safety issues 
(Strongly + Somewhat Agree)
2024 Voters2024 Trump VotersGun Owners
Supporting reasonable gun safety measures helps protect our 
children while preserving Second Amendment rights
Local communities and states should have the power to set their 
own gun safety standards
Background checks and safe storage requirements are 
common-sense measures that responsible gun owners already 
We can support both law enforcement and gun safety measures 
that keep weapons away from dangerous individuals
Keeping guns out of the wrong hands protects law-abiding gun
owners’ rights
Gun deaths are now the leading cause of death for American 
children - we can do better while protecting rights
Communities should be able to keep effective gun violence 
prevention programs instead of cutting them as Project 2025 

"We urge President-elect Trump to listen to the will of the voters – including the majority of his base – who back stronger gun safety laws. Enough is enough."

Lack of Support For Trump's Gun Safety Proposals

A minority of voters, including Trump voters and gun owners, believe Trump's policy proposals will be effective for gun safety. 

Believe the following proposals would be effective in 
addressing gun violence
(Very + Somewhat Effective)
2024 Voters2024 Trump VotersGun Owners
Cutting CDC and NIH funding for gun violence research33%44%43%
Limiting state gun safety laws33%41%40%
Rescinding money for safe gun storage public education
Ending federal gun violence prevention programs30%38%37%
Reducing support for programs helping victims and
communities impacted by gun violence
Weakening background checks on gun sales28%36%36%

Full Polling Results

Gun laws were a primary motivation for your vote in the 2024 presidential election 

2024 Voters2024 Trump VotersGun Owners

Both Trump voters and gun owners support tested policies focused on gun safety. 

Total Support 
(Strongly + Somewhat Support)
2024 Voters2024 Trump VotersGun Owners
Strengthening background checks 79%73%75%
Temporarily limiting access to firearms for individuals in crisis 74%69%72%
Holding the gun industry to similar regulatory standards as the 
tobacco, automobile, and opioid industries 
Enacting safe storage requirements for firearms in a home with
Requiring gun owners to report lost or stolen firearms to 
law enforcement 
Supporting programs to prevent veteran suicide and help 
service members in crisis 


Majority of voters would support stronger gun safety laws that would increase public safety, even if it conflicted with some current Republican positions.

 2024 Voters2024 Trump VotersGun Owners
Yes, would support64%48%57%
No, would not support17%27%22%


More than two-thirds of each group believe it’s important that government officials at the federal, state, and local levels take steps to increase gun safety over the next four years. 

Think Government Action on Gun Safety is Important
(Very + Somewhat Important)
2024 Voters2024 Trump VotersGun Owners
Federal Level79%70%73%
State Level81%75%77%
Local Level80%74%77%
Agree with each of the following messages related 
to gun violence and gun safety issues 
(Strongly + Somewhat Agree)
2024 Voters2024 Trump VotersGun Owners
Supporting reasonable gun safety measures helps protect our 
children while preserving Second Amendment rights
Local communities and states should have the power to set their 
own gun safety standards
Background checks and safe storage requirements are 
common-sense measures that responsible gun owners already 
We can support both law enforcement and gun safety measures 
that keep weapons away from dangerous individuals
Keeping guns out of the wrong hands protects law-abiding gun
owners’ rights
Gun deaths are now the leading cause of death for American 
children - we can do better while protecting rights
Communities should be able to keep effective gun violence 
prevention programs instead of cutting them as Project 2025 

How much, if at all, do you want Trump's agenda on gun laws to be implemented? 
Includes responses of "very much" and "kind of"

2024 Voters2024 Trump VotersGun Owners

Trump's gun agenda is the agenda you would MOST want Trump to implement (compared to all other issues)

2024 Voters2024 Trump VotersGun Owners

Trump's gun agenda is the agenda you would LEAST want Trump to implement (compared to all other issues)

2024 Voters2024 Trump VotersGun Owners

Trump's gun agenda is the agenda that will be MOST important to resist over the next four years (compared to all other issues)

2024 Voters2024 Trump VotersGun Owners
14% 15%

Were you aware of each of the following aspects of the Trump campaign’s agenda around gun laws?

 2024 Voters2024 Trump VotersGun Owners
Eliminating efforts to reduce military and veteran suicide34%38%42%
Ending historic efforts to educate parents and gun owners on safe firearm storage32%29%37%
Eliminating reporting requirements to address gun trafficking31%26%34%
Allowing more people to carry loaded and concealed guns in public in any state50%52%61%
Expanding where firearms can be carried, including in schools, hospitals, playgrounds, and public spaces46%45%52%
Expanding where firearms can be carried, including cutting funding for community violence prevention programs33%28%37%
Removing restrictions on untraceable ’ghost guns’ and large-capacity magazines34%32%42%

Less than half of 2024 voters think Trump's stance on guns is in line with the views of most Americans and a majority of voters believe the gun policies put forth by the Trump campaign would be ineffective at addressing gun violence in their community.

Yes, I think President Trump’s stance on gun violence and gun safety is in line with the views of most Americans

2024 Voters2024 Trump VotersGun Owners


I think the following proposed policies would be effective in addressing gun violence in my community 
(very effective or somewhat effective)

 2024 Voters2024 Trump VotersGun Owners
Ending federal gun violence prevention programs30%38%37%
Cutting CDC and NIH funding for gun violence research33%44%43%
Rescinding money for safe gun storage public education campaigns32%40%38%
Expanding where firearms can be carried42%58%53%
Weakening background checks on gun sales28%36%36%
 Limiting state gun safety laws33%41%40%


Based on what you know about the Trump campaign’s stance on gun violence and gun safety, do you think each of the following will become more safe or less safe over the next four years? 

 More More Safe + Somewhat More SafeSomewhat Less Safe + Much Less Safe
 2024 Voters2024 Trump VotersGun Owners2024 Voters2024 Trump VotersGun Owners
Public spaces such as parks43%67%59%43%16%29%
Large venues such as concerts40%62%55%45%21%32%
Political events43%64%57%43%18%31%
Grocery Stores44%67%60%40%14%29%
Places of Worship44%67%61%40%15%26%

About the Poll

This poll was conducted by Morning Consult from November 21-24, 2024 among a sample of 2,005 2024 registered voters. The interviews were conducted online and the data were weighted to approximate a target sample of 2024 registered voters based on gender by age, gender by parental status, race by education, education, marital status, region, 2024 vote, and race/ethnicity. Results from the full survey have a margin of error of plus or minus 2 percentage points. 



President Trump has already taken steps to roll back all of the Biden Administration's progress against gun violence. We cannot let this happen. 

Under the Trump Administration, gun homicides soared and firearms became the leading cause of death for kids and teens. Sign the petition NOW to tell Trump not to roll back life-saving policies and put more lives at risk. 

Sign the Petition