1) PROMOTE SAFE FIREARM STORAGE 76% of school shooters get their guns from the home. Encourage school leaders to engage parents and guardians in conversations about safe firearm storage. Use our template letter to school leaders or template letter to parents to aid in your discussion. Learn More
2) URGE CONGRESS TO BAN ASSAULT WEAPONS Some of the deadliest mass shootings in America all have one thing in common: The shooter used an AR-15-style weapon. We must ban these weapons of war NOW. Take Action
3) ASK TO END FAMILY FIRE In America, 4.6 million children live in homes with access to an unlocked or unsupervised firearm. ASK (Asking Saves Kids) is a simple way to help keep kids safe and a fundamental part of our End Family Fire program. Learn More
4) DONATE TO BOLSTER OUR WORK TO PREVENT GUN VIOLENCE Our life-saving work is powered by grassroots donations from people like you. Donate
6) URGE CONGRESS TO EXPAND BRADY BACKGROUND CHECKS The Bipartisan Background Checks Act will expand Brady Background Checks to cover all gun sales, including those sold at gun shows and on thriving online gun marketplaces. Take Action