@ThisIsOurLane Founder Dr. Joseph Sakran Brings Decades of Medical Expertise to New Role as the Only Physician to Lead the Board of a Major Gun Violence Prevention Organization.
Washington, D.C., August 31, 2023 – Dr. Joseph V. Sakran has been elected Chair of the Board for Brady and Chief Medical Officer, the only physician to hold these roles within a major gun violence prevention organization. As a trauma surgeon and survivor of gun violence, Sakran has dedicated his career to treating vulnerable communities and advancing public health solutions to this growing epidemic.
An award-winning researcher and pioneer in promoting firearm injury prevention, Dr. Sakran’s dedication to his field is rooted in his lived experience of trauma from gun violence. At the age of 17, Dr. Sakran was nearly killed after being shot in the throat with a 38-caliber bullet after a high school football game. The doctors and nurses who saved his life inspired him to pursue a career in medicine and public service.
Dr. Sakran is an Associate Professor of Surgery and Nursing, and serves as the Executive Vice Chair of Surgery and Director of Clinical Operations of Surgery at The Johns Hopkins Hospital.
Kris Brown, president of Brady, said:
“We are beyond thrilled and proud to have Dr. Joseph Sakran serve as Brady’s board chair and Chief Medical Officer. Since founding @ThisIsOurLane five years ago, he has empowered tens of thousands of healthcare professionals to speak out on the frontlines of America’s gun violence epidemic. His unique insight as a survivor, public health expert, and clinical acumen as a trauma surgeon will propel the gun violence prevention movement forward, so we can finally see real change for our children and future generations.”
A prominent and regular news commentator, Dr. Sakran has spoken about his personal and professional experiences, including treating gunshot victims, on national outlets, including CNN, MSNBC, NPR, and NBC. In 2018, following a comment by the NRA that doctors should “stay in their lane” regarding gun violence, Sakran launched @ThisIsOurLane to elevate the role that healthcare professionals play in reducing firearm injuries and deaths. The grassroots initiative, now a part of Brady, gained international attention and sparked major action, with doctors and healthcare professionals testifying before Congress and state legislatures, helping win historic federal research funding.
Dr. Joseph V. Sakran, Brady Board Chair, said:
“Medical professionals have an opportunity to work beyond the bedside to protect the health of our communities, which is why I am honored Brady has elected me as the only physician to chair a major gun violence prevention organization.
“Gun violence is a uniquely American crisis, and it is the number one killer of our children and adolescents. It is dire that we draw on public health research and amplify the voices, stories, and expertise of those on the frontlines of this epidemic to treat this problem. I am eager to work with Brady to grow @ThisIsOurLane and change the narrative that Americans are powerless to address this crisis. This isn’t about partisan rhetoric; it’s about preventing another gunshot victim from reaching our trauma centers and operating rooms. It’s about what we can do to protect our children and save lives.”
Rep. Jerry Nadler, Ranking Member of the House Judiciary Committee, said:
“We were pleased to welcome Dr. Sakran to testify before the House Judiciary Committee to share his experience as both a trauma surgeon and a survivor of gun violence. Dr. Sakran has seen firsthand the lives shattered by gun violence, and his expertise has informed our work to combat this deadly epidemic. I congratulate him on continuing to share his expertise as Chief Medical Officer and Board Chair for Brady."
Brandon Fisher, Gun Violence Survivor and Patient, Johns Hopkins Hospital, said:
“When Dr. Sakran treated me, I’m grateful to have been in good hands not only because of his reputation as a top-notch trauma surgeon but [also] as a fellow survivor. Being a survivor can be isolating and the path towards healing is not always linear, yet every step of the way, Dr. Sakran has been there for me. I am proud to see he has continued his commitment to survivors with his work at Brady, and I know he will continue to change lives like he changed mine.” —
Kevin W. Sowers, M.S.N., R.N., F.A.A.N., President of the Johns Hopkins Health System; Executive Vice President of Johns Hopkins Medicine, said:
“Dr. Sakran is a beloved member of Johns Hopkins Medicine. As a physician, researcher, and educator, Dr. Sakran has always illustrated our values of respect, dignity, integrity, inclusion, and excellence, all while ensuring diverse voices are uplifted. We are grateful for Dr. Sakran’s advocacy and leadership here at Hopkins and know his dedication to healing survivors, both in body and spirit, will carry through his work with Brady.”
Robin Cogan, MEd, RN, NCSN, FNASN, FAAN - NJ School Nurse & Rutgers Camden Nursing Clinical Coordinator, said:
“Since the coronavirus pandemic, the public health approach has become more prominent in our daily lives, and continues to be central to how we tackle many of the health issues we face in America. Addressing firearm violence should be no different, and it is essential that we leverage public health expertise in all facets of our approaches to end the loss and destruction. Like his colleagues, Dr. Sakran sees the world through a nuanced lens and is adept at identifying where public health can help to fill the gaps left in traditional systems. His problem-solving coupled with unparalleled expertise make him a stellar addition to Brady’s board as Chair, and as the movement’s first-ever Chief Medical Officer.”
Rep. Eric Swalwell (D-CA) said:
“Amidst an epidemic of gun violence plaguing the United States, Brady’s mission to prevent gun violence has never been more urgent. Dr. Sakran’s unique perspectives as a highly respected trauma surgeon and a survivor of gun violence will be an invaluable addition as Brady’s new Chief Medical Officer and Board Chair in the fight to curb this deadly epidemic.”
Daniel E. Dawes, JD, Executive Director, Institute of Global Health Equity at Meharry Medical College and author, Political Determinants of Health, said:
“The surge of gun violence has ignited a public health emergency of unparalleled proportions. Its perilous grasp reaches every corner of American life, exacerbating health inequities among our most vulnerable communities. In the face of this urgent crisis, we must harness the strength of evidence-based health strategies to halt the relentless devastation that has gripped our nation so fiercely. Dr. Sakran’s leadership will propel Brady, and the gun violence prevention movement forward by ensuring public health and equity is woven into solutions at every possible level.”
I am excited to announce that @JosephSakran has been named Chief Medical Officer and Board Chair of @bradybuzz He is the only physician to hold these roles at a major gun violence prevention organization — and our movement will be stronger because of it.https://t.co/3pQXwNHUxL
— Kris Brown | President, bradyunited.org (@KrisB_Brown) August 31, 2023
Brady has one powerful mission — to unite all Americans against gun violence. We work across Congress, the courts, and our communities with over 90 grassroots chapters, bringing together young and old, red and blue, and every shade of color to find common ground in common sense. In the spirit of our namesakes Jim and Sarah Brady, we have fought for over 45 years to take action, not sides, and we will not stop until this epidemic ends. It’s in our hands.
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