Women holds the mental health screening cards walk the talk america sends out with new guns 2022 05 13 154547 ohrp
Image of one of the free mental health screening cards provided by Walk the Talk America

More than 81.4 million Americans own guns, and while we hope that those firearms are all stored securely locked, unloaded, and separate from ammunition, we sadly know that isn't the case. But how can gun violence prevention originations —and ordinary people— best talk to those in their lives about mental health and safe storage? Today, hosts Kelly and JJ are joined by an expert in that area, Michael Sodini. Mike is a 3rd generation firearm industry professional, a podcaster, and the President of Walk the Talk America, a nonprofit that sits at the intersection of mental health awareness and firearms. He sat down with us to talk all about Walk the Talk America, safe and responsible gun storage, the importance of credible messengers, and why we all need to be more open in our discussions of mental health.

Mentioned in this podcast:
Proposition Paper 72 (Mental Health America)
At the Intersection of Guns and Mental Health: The Introductory Course (Walk the Talk America)
Guns and suicide: A fatal link (Harvard School of Public Health)
The Truth About Suicide and Guns (Brady)


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