Washington D.C., March 18, 2015 — "Our hearts are with the people of Mesa, where a white supremacist felon reportedly killed one and wounded five," said Brady Campaign to Prevent Gun Violence President Dan Gross. "Our new state scorecard on CrimAdvisor.com ranks Arizona as the state with the loosest gun laws, where even a felon can easily buy a gun online or at a gun show without a Brady background check. On the same day as this horrific mass shooting, the Annual Review of Public Health published a study which found that strong laws like expanded Brady background checks prevent dangerous people from getting guns and can save lives."

Brady has one powerful mission — to unite all Americans against gun violence. We work across Congress, the courts, and our communities with over 90 grassroots chapters, bringing together young and old, red and blue, and every shade of color to find common ground in common sense. In the spirit of our namesakes Jim and Sarah Brady, we have fought for over 45 years to take action, not sides, and we will not stop until this epidemic ends. It’s in our hands.


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