Two teen girls hug at a vigil surrounded by other teens
Image provided by Rachel Coyne via Unsplash

Firearm suicides account for more than half of all suicide deaths in the United States. We've talked at length on RBB about those losses, and how we can help prevent them, from storing firearms locked and unloaded to reaching out for help. But folks who have lost loved ones to suicide may also be reeling with being a survivor of suicide loss. To talk about how to talk about suicide, how to best support one another, and how survivors of suicide loss have built committees of healing, hosts Kelly and JJ were joined by Dr. Doreen Marshall of AFSP — the American Foundation for Suicide Prevention.

International Survivors of Suicide Loss Day, also known as Survivor Day, takes place each year on the Saturday before American Thanksgiving, with virtual and in-person events in communities everywhere. Learn more and find an event near you.

Want to get involved?
Urge your senators to expand and strengthen background checks.
Join a Brady chapter near you and sign up to attend our new volunteer session.

Further reading:
AFSP chapters and their work (AFSP)
I've lost someone (AFSP)
What Survivors of Suicide Want You to Know (Maryland SPIN)


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