Former Republican Congressman Bob Barr Will Take Over as NRA President and Doug Hamlin Will Serve as Executive Vice President & CEO

WASHINGTON, May 21, 2024 – After ashamed leader Wayne LaPierre stepped down amid controversy, the NRA has finally announced two new leaders to take the helm. Brady, the nation’s oldest gun violence prevention organization, released the following statement:

“Wayne LaPierre has been replaced by equally repugnant leaders,” said Brady President Kris Brown. “Let’s hope for the NRA’s sake, Hamlin doesn't have the same penchant for spending as his predecessor, but for our nation’s sake, let’s do all we can to vote out NRA-endorsed candidates – like Barr once was – who value gun industry profits over American lives.”

“Hamlin’s promotion to executive vice president proves that while leadership may look different, it’s the same song and dance from LaPierre’s reign,” continued Brown. “There’s nothing new about the NRA; they’re committed to keeping their status quo of spreading the Big Lie – that guns make us safer – and lining gun manufacturers’ pockets at the expense of our safety from gun violence. We owe it to ourselves to reject their lies and instead vote with our hearts and minds for a future worthy of our children and one we should be proud of, a future free from gun violence.”


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